Last Call for Boobies!
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Today is the Last Day!!
Last Day! Last Call! Last of The Boobies!
Can you believe it’s been a week? This week just flies by when you are in a Big Boobie Blur™ and it seems as though everything else around you simply stops. It’s weird and you are probably looking at me all crazy right now. Blame it on the Big Boobie Blur™!
Okay, so Day 7 starts off and we’re at $8,271.00!! Which is amazing and I never expected our total to be this high. I wanted it to be, but I wasn’t expecting it. Thank you all so much! Let’s make this final day a huge success and continue to donate and send in your rack shots!
Updates are coming across the site, so stay tuned for more boobie picks and other fun stuff on this final day!
Mel –
How awesome is that! I’m just tickled to have had a hand (or a rack) in the fund-raising. The Survivor stories have been both amazing and inspiring, and the efforts of Mel and all of the volunteers have been nothing short of incredible.
Today is the last day to donate, so please, if you’ve been waiting for a reason – how about the honor of being a Last Minute Lucy? It’s one of my favorite reasons.
If you already have donated (especially to my multiple donors) – thank you so much. There are no words for that level of gratitude.
And yeah, I broke down and submitted to the freebie page a few days back, so if that’s what you were waiting for, you win. Of course $50 still gets you into the Pay Page and I’m there too. Subscribe to the Boobie-thon‘s Twitter for specials and discounts to the pay page, and the RSS Feed for notification when new pics get posted.