An Open Letter and Blatant Whoring

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Dear Mr. Nail Gaiman,

Not that your WebElf doesn’t have enough to do, but a mobile version of your website would be all sorts of awesome. That way, people such as myself, would be able to view your blog on our phones (mine is the wicked kewl LG enV) without waiting for things like headers, side photos, and that last three inches of brown footer to load.

All the Best,

-MontiLee Stormer
(I would ask that my writing partner, Rob Callahan, to do the same, but as he’s forgotten he has a blog, it’s more productive to swing a dead cat at nothing in particular.)

If you’re on a mobile device, you’ll notice that the duck automatically loads into a text only mini-version, and upon clicking the appropriate link, the full entry loads, complete with pictures. I can only thank the genius of Alex King and the lovely people at WordPress for that, as I haven’t the capacity to pretend to dream up wonderful things like that.


Speaking of dreaming of dead cats, why is everyone suddenly growing a beard now? I will not be joining that trend as I have just had my eyebrows waxed. It has been such a drastic improvement, many people have commented on it, which leads me to internally question just how wild I’d let them get. “No, I will not take my chinchillas outside, and I’ll thank you to not stare at my eyebrows.”

I think today will be a good writing day, don’t you?


Kym Worthy For President

A 12-count indictment came down today for Kilpatrick and Beatty. Supposedly he’s turning himself in today at 5:00p.m. (EST) and it’ll be a Perp Walk to end all perp walks.

I believe I shall build an altar unto her and leave offerings of scandalous next messages, stripper glitter, and a baseball bat. It will be deemed acceptable and good. So let it be written, so let it be done.


This past weekend, The Ten Commandments was on it it has one of the best lines in cinematic history evar!

“Nubians, Grandfather!” I always put in my own soundtrack of them walking to the beat of James Brown’s “It’s A Man’s World”, because you’re already at the three hour point of that movie, and you know it’s all downhill for the Israelites from there anyway.


Text messages from your writing partner you’re terrified to see:

“Did I write Chapter 3?”


Tonight after work I’ll be cleaning up a few more chapters of Isle of Shadows to send off to RJ. It’s been good not really laying eyeballs on if for a few weeks. Gives me time to forget how great I thought it was.


And now, off to work

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Just this fox. I'm a writer of horror and dark fantasy. I totally don't brag about it. The latter statement is an utter lie.
  • Davecat
    March 27, 2008 - 11:25 pm

    Yes, everyone (men, ugly hirsute women) is growing a beard now. I blame shitty indie bands, frankly. Like that godforsaken Devendra Banhart. UP HERE IN THE CIVILISED NORTH, IT IS SIMPLY COMMON COURTESY TO SHAVE, SIR.

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